



Team Medical Care / Communication Education
Team Medical Care / Communication Education

Team Medical Care in the Faculty of Pharma-Science?

Acquire a grounding as a medical professional in an environment where you can experience Team Medical Care

In the current medical field, "Team Medical Care" is emphasized, in which medical personnel of each occupation demonstrate their expertise and cooperate with each other. In the Itabashi Campus, where the Faculty of Pharma-Science exists, the School of Medicine, the Faculty of Medical Technology and we come together to learn "Team Medical Care" in a practical manner. Students understand the philosophy as a medical professional and acquire the spirit of "Team Medical Care" in an ideal educational environment to be aware of their own occupation area with students majoring in other fields.

Teikyo University General Medical Education and Research Center (G-MEC)

We support the creation of the foundation for practicing "Team Medical Care"

Team Medical Care

Teikyo University General Medical Education and Research Center was established with the aim of creating an environment for practical learning of "Team Medical Care," and operates curriculums that cross the Faculty of Pharma-Science, the School of Medicine, and the Faculty of Medical Technology. We aim to improve medical and medical introductory education such as knowledge of life ethics and medical sociology, which are the basis of medical professionals. Among them, we emphasize communication ability as medical professionals in such as one of representative subjects "Human Communication".

Teikyo University General Medical Education and Research Center (G-MEC)

Exercise introduction "Human Communication"

Exercise introduction "Human Communication"

In the 1st grade, "Human Communication" is conducted with students of School of Medicine and the Faculty of Medical Technology, and through group discussions and hands-on learning, not only communication skills but also ethics and rich humanity are cultivated. The Faculty of Pharma-Science has established "Pharmacy Communication" from the 2nd grade onward to improve the communication skills required as a pharmacist.

Teikyo University Hospital

Doctors and pharmacists who are active on site participate in the education

Teikyo University Hospital

Teikyo University Hospital is a regional core hospital that received approval and designation such as Special Functioning Hospital, Trauma and Resuscitation Center, and cancer treatment alignment base hospitals. In the pharmacy department, there are pharmacists who are qualified as pharmacists specializing in cancer, and we also provide advanced anti-cancer drug treatment. It is also a feature of this faculty that practical training can be conducted in clinical site where such cutting-edge medical care is practiced. In addition, the pharmacy department actively participates in pharmacy education by creating original textbooks to understand the profession and responsibilities of pharmacists and providing guidance to faculty students as instructors. Students can acquire not only knowledge and skills but also a comprehensive perspective necessary for medical practice from an early stage.

Teikyo University Hospital

Communication Education in the Faculty of Pharma-Science

Acquire humanity as a medical person and attitude toward medical care through practice

In the Faculty of Pharma-Science, we aim to train pharmacists who have a sense of mission and responsibility to protect human lives and healthy lives as medical leaders. To that end, we have established communication courses in each grade from the 1st to 5th to provide a full range of humanism and communication education. This will allow students to acquire sufficient communication skills to demonstrate professional function as a pharmacist in Team Medical Care and community medicine.

Overview of communication education

Acquire humanity as a medical person and attitude toward medical care through practice

In the Faculty of Pharma-Science, we aim to train pharmacists who have a sense of mission and responsibility to protect human lives and healthy lives as medical leaders. To that end, we have established communication courses in each grade from the 1st to 5th to provide a full range of humanism and communication education. This will allow students to acquire sufficient communication skills to demonstrate professional function as a pharmacist in Team Medical Care and community medicine.

The 1st grade: Human Communication

In Human Communication, students acquire basic knowledge and attitudes regarding communication through joint lectures in three faculties, small group discussions, and role-plays, and learn their significance and importance.
* There is an introduction of "Human Communication" in the Team Medical Care of the Faculty of Pharma-Science, so please check it as well.

The 2nd grade: Medical communication 1

With the theme of communication with people with physical disabilities and patients, we improve the communication skills learned in "Human Communication". In addition to learning through lectures and videos, students learn how to consider people with physical disabilities and how to convey written messages through experiences such as physical disabilities and welfare facilities for the elderly.

The 3rd grade: Medical communication 2

Students acquire knowledge and communication skills related to "medicine and nutritional guidance" necessary for pharmacists who contribute to self-medication. After getting self-learning knowledge through PBL (Problem-based Learning) , students learn skills to reassure patients and build relationships of trust through role-playing, and take practical tests.

The 4th grade: Medical communication 3

Students learn about Team Medical Care and related multidisciplinary communication. Based on clinical case scenarios, students in three medical faculties/school form mixed teams, hold group discussions and formulate and present treatment and medical treatment plans. After that, students visit a mock conference conducted by the incumbent medical team of Teikyo University Hospital. In addition, they deepen their own thoughts on the "view of life and death" which laies on the extension of medical care, in preparation for practical training in the fifth grade.

5th Year: Medical Communication 4

In order to acquire the communication skills necessary for pharmacists involved in drug therapy with patients, students practically learn a process of information gathering of prescription drugs based on specific cases, prediction of pathological conditions, extraction of problems and medication guidance. In addition, they interview simulated patients and aim to improve their communication skills in order to extract sufficient information from patients.